Alright. Here we go.
If you're familiar with grounding, this may seem redundant for you. But I hope you'll continue reading anyways. Spirit wants you to. 😉
If you're NOT familiar with grounding, I hope you'll read this and then TRY it.
Grounding is basically a visualization technique. It can be used BY ANYONE. Literally anyone. Whether you believe in Psychics, Mediums, Spirit Sensitives, Ghosts, or the Loch Ness Monster. Doesn't matter. Grounding is great for relieving stress, giving you a moment to just...breathe.
Grounding is amazing for kids. It is especially helpful for people who identify as being Empaths.
For people on their spiritual development path, who are opening and learning, grounding is absolutely ESSENTIAL. It's so important to incorporate it into a DAILY practice. So, so important. I'll explain why in a minute.
I promise you, this is a lesson I am still learning myself. The fucking hard way.
I get caught up in my day-to-day life and forget. Then I wonder why I feel like things are getting too hectic, too out of control. Why my headaches are worsening, when through all other indicators they should be lessening. Why I feel on edge, even though I don't really have a good "reason" to be so. And then my husband (bless him!) or my dear friend (bless her!) will remind me. Then, after grounding—I feel...back to my old self. The world is right, sunny, amazing. I am in control, on top of things. There is nothing too much, nothing overwhelming. All is well.
Well, my friend, I have been on a streak, and have done my grounding for SIX days in a row!! SIX! Can you believe it? I feel like there is nothing I can't conquer. And I have a lot on my plate at the moment. But it's all good, man. I got this.
So, what does grounding do, you ask?
We exchange energy with others, all. day. long. Everyone does. Whether they think they have abilities or not. We, as humans, are energetic beings. I'm sure there's science behind that statement somewhere, but don't ask me to find it. I'm just passing along information. So, everyone we come into contact with, we are exchanging energy. Whether it's in person or online. We give them some of ours, they give us some of theirs.
Sometimes it's an uneven exchange, right? Maybe someone is down in the dumps, so you give them a little more of yours then they do of theirs. Or maybe it's a negative encounter. You come away sad, hurt, or angry. Or a positive one. You come away happy, energetic, joyful. Can you think of some exchanges you've had recently? Think of how you've felt afterward.
Sometimes, it's a VERY uneven exchange because the person you're dealing with is an energy vampire. More often than not, they don't even realize. That's a topic we'll have to cover another time. What I'm getting at is this: all day, every day, we are exchanging energy. All this exchanging of energy creates a buildup of sorts. Grounding allows us a process in which we can clean out all that stagnant, old, dirty, negative, hurtful, painful, energy. Bring us back to our OWN energy. It gives us an opportunity to clean it out and start out new again.
Can you see how this process might be helpful for people who are Empaths or kids? Kids are soooo open and they don't even realize it. They openly exchange energy with anyone and everyone, until they learn (either through being hurt and learning the hard way, or being taught, either through society or through parenting) not to be. Can you see how ESSENTIAL it is for people who are developing their mediumship?
You'd think I'd remember to do this every day, right? UGH!! I'm getting there. I wrote it in my planner. That helps me. hahaha
Now, if you've read this far, and you don't see yourself as being an Empath and you're not developing your mediumship, I hope that you'll continue reading and give it a try. It's an excellent visualization technique that you can call Meditation. Lots of people meditate. Meditation is extremely helpful in lowering blood pressure, stress, and allowing you to focus better.
When working through this visualization, keep in mind that the overall important takeaway, is that your body connect with the earth. The specific details don't matter to me. They absolutely can be different than mine and different than everyone else's. In fact, I expect them to be. When I list different things, I'm simply doing so to give examples and spark your creativity. Often, whatever first comes into your mind, is what you should go with. And, don't be surprised if the details of your visualization changes over time. Mine sure have! Also, know that as you continue to use this visualization, you'll get faster at it—eventually, you'll be able to do it with your eyes open while standing in the middle of a crowded place, if you want to.
Grounding Visualization
Find a comfortable position. It can be lying down, sitting in a chair, sitting outside.
Close your eyes (if that makes it easier to visualize).
Take a few deeps breaths.
*Cords extending from your feet and entering the earth. These cords can appear any way you want. They can be translucent and sparkly; black, like electrical cords; like tree roots - whatever resonates with you.
*Your cords pushing down through the earth, through the mud and roots and worms and bugs, deep, deep into the earth.
*Your cords entering a cave deep underground. The appearance of this cave is up to you - whatever resonates with you.
*That you and the cords are connected.
*Bright, pure, white light in the cave, filling it up.
*The white light entering the cord attached to your left foot and traveling up and into your foot.
*The white light moving up your left leg, pushing all the dark, old, negative, stagnant, hurtful energy up, up, up, traveling as fast or slow as you feel comfortable with, ensuring that nothing but white light is left behind.
*The white light continuing to move up your left side, pausing only long enough to fill your left arm before continuing up into your head.
*The white light pausing here in your head as long as necessary to gather up all the negative energy, thoughts, and hurt. This may look like a ball of dust, with shards of debris. Whatever resonates with you.
*The white light continuing to move down your right side, pausing long enough to fill your right arm.
*The white light continuing to move down your right side and down your right leg—pushing all the brown/black muck that has been gathered, leaving only brilliant white light behind.
*That as the white light leaves your foot, pushing the brown/black muck down your cord and into your cave, the brown/black negative energy enters the cave from your right foot/cord and disintegrates, like ashes in the wind, being reabsorbed into the energy of the cave, no longer discernible.
*That once all of the muck is gone, your whole body is nothing but brilliant white light, you retract your cords into your body.
Remember to give thanks for this beautiful grounding.
My own grounding is slightly longer as it includes a Chakra cleansing, Bubbling, and Cord Cutting — but I am told those are lessons for another day.
I hope that you will give this a try and let me know your thoughts! More so, I hope you find this helpful.
As always, Namaste
Alain Davis