Today we're going to talk about a few different things: Bubbles & Cords. How to use them and the importance of them. The cool thing is that they can be used by ANYONE. Doesn't matter if you believe in Spirit Sensitives or if you think you have abilities or not. Everyone can benefit from using these visualization techniques.
Before we get started, let me just say that I appreciate you. Thank you for joining me, supporting me, and arriving to each post with an open mind. It was incredibly nerve wracking to commit to this—baring my journey for all to see. Being vulnerable. Not just suspecting, but knowing that I would have mistakes and setbacks, that my journey wouldn't be complete and pretty. That I'd be open to criticism and ridicule. That was the reason I resisted following this path for so long. But Spirit is insistent. And, I have to say, this has been one of the most freeing experiences of my life. So, thank you for sharing this with me and accepting me as I am.
As always, if you have questions or want to make a comment, please feel free to do so. If you have the question, I promise someone else does, too. I'm here to help. I've enabled anonymous comments, in case people are shy. I've been there. Or, if you'd rather, follow the links and come talk to me on Twitter or Instagram.
Okay. One last thing, and then we'll start. Remember in my post where I talked about the dream with the church? Well, I finally got some good pictures! If you don't remember, just click here to get caught up. So, here is the church as it stands now, the one from my dreams. Except in the dream, of course, it was run down and falling apart. Isn't it beautiful?
Thank you for letting me get sidetracked there. I was just so excited that I finally got those pictures. The cemetery is across the street, so I had to drive through the cemetery to get a good picture of the church itself.
Okay, now then! Let's move on to the actual purpose of this blog post.
As with the grounding visualization we learned last time (you can click here if you need to get caught up), this is something that is unique to YOU. Certain aspects are common, but the DETAILS can be whatever resonate with YOU. I might give examples of what mine look like, or what they look like for my family or friends, but those are just to serve as examples. More or less to kick start your imagination. Usually, whatever comes to mind first, is the one you'll end up going with, but don't be surprised if these change over time. If the details shift and meld as you use them more and more. That's totally normal. They way I bubble today looks nothing like it did the first time I bubbled.
The purpose of bubbling is simple. Remember how I explained that we exchange energy with people all the time? The bottom line is that bubbles help us separate our energy from everyone else's energy.
More specifically, let me try explaining it this way: Hold both your hands in front of your face, palms facing you. Spread your fingers and touch your fingertips. Now, shift your hands slightly, and move them closer together so that your fingers are like the cogs of a wheel. Now move them back, so just the fingertips touch again.
Imagine that one hand is you/your energy and the other hand is someone else/their energy. The bubble forms a barrier of sorts and makes it so that just the fingertips are touching again. It makes it so that you can take YOUR energy back from them, and you can give them back THEIR energy.
This is especially helpful in situations where emotions are high. But honestly, it's helpful any time you just want a little clarity. For Empaths and Spirit Sensitives, it's critical to bubble on the regular. We are open ALL the damn time and exchanging SO MUCH. For us, it makes it so much easier to discern whether what we are feeling belongs to us, or if it is from another (living or not).
Learning how to bubble was amazing for me and I do it all the damn time.
Taking a few minutes to center and breathe and visualize never hurts anyone. So whether you are here out of curiosity, belief, need, or entertainment, I urge you to give it a try.
Bubbling literally takes minutes, if not seconds, to do:
Visualize a bubble. It's shiny, right? A little iridescent.
Imagine this bubble is PINK.
Visualize this bubble expands and grows until it is big enough for you to fit inside.
Once it's big enough, imagine you walk inside of the bubble. Doing so does not make it pop. This bubble is strong and resilient. It only permits light and love to enter. You can move about freely.
Give thanks for this bubble and open your eyes, knowing this bubble will go with you.
Feel free to "reapply" this bubble as often as you'd like. The only important aspect of that visualization is that the bubble is pink light. Pink is for protection. There are other colors with different functions. We'll get into those in another post.
If you're not comfortable being encased in a bubble, you can picture it being similar to a wet suit. Or maybe a spot light while sitting on a stage. Or maybe it's a shield. That works, too. Pink light, baby. That's what it's about.
Okay, on to Cords!!
The way I understand it, any time we interact with someone, and an exchange of energy takes place, a "cord" is created. The more we connect with an individual, the stronger the cord. Thicker, for example. So, maybe you have a pleasant exchange with the customer service agent at Target or whatever, but it's not like you'll be meeting for coffee or exchanging phone numbers, right? Still, a small, skinny, little cord exists. Connecting you two as you move about your day. You and your spouse? Obviously a much stronger, thicker, resilient cord.
As you bubble, it's important to cut all of these cords. Now, don't panic! Doing so does NOT mean that you won't be able to connect to anyone! It doesn't mean that you don't care about the important people in your life. I promise, everything will be okay.
If you have ever done any gardening, you know how important it is to to "dead head", or cut off all the dead blooms. That way, all of the plant's energy can go into feeding what is viable. Cutting all of the cords means that you will be able to keep your energy where it belongs, in YOU. Then YOU can decide where to invest your energy.
As I said before, for Empaths and Spirit Sensitives, it will make it so much easier to discern what belongs to/comes from you and what is coming from others. It won't be such a mixed up jumble of emotions and feelings anymore.
For example, as a Spirit Sensitive, when I don't bubble and cut cords regularly, I'm a mess. I will be going about my day and go from being calm and relaxed, to angry and frustrated for no apparent reason. It took me a long time to figure out that it was because I was absorbing someone ELSE'S energy. That anger and frustration didn't belong to me. It's that simple. It happens all the time. Usually after being in large crowds, such as after going grocery shopping. But not always. It can be just hanging out at home. But if someone else is upset (or happy!), I'll absorb it. Bubbling and cutting cords makes it so that I can feel that someone near me is angry and frustrated (or what have you), but I'm not. It also makes it possible to get rid of those other feelings and emotions, after the fact.
For the Empaths and Spirit Sensitives: I'm not gonna lie. These things are no "cure", or "fix". But, man, have they sure helped me. I still have moments of breakthrough. I've learned that I need to do this more often. There was a situation recently, where I discovered that I have the ability to feel someone else's physical pain. An ability I was not aware I possessed. Well, not to that degree, anyway. I found out the hard way that I cannot forget to bubble and cut cords. And that this will need to be done multiple times per day, in my case.
To Cut Cords:
Remember when we grounded, and sent our cords deep into the Earth? Okay.
First, picture your bubble.
Then, picture cords, similar to the ones you used for grounding. But, picture lots of them, coming from out of your bubble,—all different shapes, sizes, thicknesses—extending out into the distance.
Then, you know those giant-ass scissors Mayors use when they break ground or christen a new building? Picture those scissors snipping all of the cords.
If you have a specific place, person, situation: Put yourself in your bubble. Then put the other place/person/situation in a similar bubble. Visualize a cord connecting the two bubbles. Then cut the cord with your giant-ass scissors.
For example, if you have a specific person you've been at odds with. That person goes in the other bubble. After, you may find it easier to see where the other person is coming from or find it easier to identify a solution. If you have an important project at work coming up, the title of that project goes in that bubble. You may find your anxiety about it eases up a bit, or maybe you can more clearly see the path the project should take. If you have a place that you've been to that gives you the creeps, picture that place inside the bubble. You may find it no longer gives you the willies quite as bad.
Okay. So, bubbles and cords used together will help you regain control of your own energy and make it easier to see things more objectively.
For Empaths and Spirit Sensitives, they are abso-fucking-lutely crucial to our every day life. Using them, in addition to grounding, will ease anxiety, allow us to be more centered and stable, make it easier to discern our own feelings and emotions from those of others, and make it a little easier to manage our abilities.
These are tools that I am very grateful to have in my toolbox.
I hope that you will give these a try and let me know how it goes! More so, I hope you find this helpful.
As always, Namaste
Alain Davis
I love this!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, Connie!
ReplyDeleteThanks Alain, I love your detailed explanations. I learn something new, interesting and helpful evey time you post.