In my opinion, when people hear the title "Psychic" or "Medium", or the two combined (from here on out, I'm just going to say "Psychic Medium", in my mind referring to the same abilities), they assume that person can tell the future (I can't!) or give a full psychic reading, just like the Mediums on T.V. (I can't do that yet, either—I don't think). I'm sure I'm generalizing to some extent and some people have other thoughts and opinions.
One thing I've encountered is that people will assume that a Psychic Medium simply knows everything. Some people love nothing more than catching them in an unknown, like asking them a question and when the Psychic Medium doesn't have the answer, the person will throw out that awesome line, "Well, shouldn't you know that, since you're a psychic?" Just so we're clear, Psychic Mediums don't "know everything". That's just false. They are receiving and interpreting information, through their Clairs, from Spirit. Read here if you're not sure what I mean by that—we'll catch you up. That's the long and the short of it.
So, sure maybe a person asks a Psychic Medium to contact their dead Aunt May. And instead, all they get are messages from their poor Uncle Bob. There's a reason for that. Could be that those messages are super important for the person to hear. The thing to keep in mind is that the Psychic Medium is the go between. Don't shoot the messenger, folks. That's all I'm saying.
Okay—so, when you hear that someone is a Psychic Medium, what do you think of? Why do you think that is? Is is because of your upbringing? Because of your parents' beliefs? Does it have to do with your religious teachings? Do you feel positive towards the idea or not?
I have to admit...I used to think of two things. Either a woman sitting behind a crystal ball telling someone their fortune or the Salem Witch Trials. Kinda silly when I think about it now. Obviously, my opinions have changed over time. Now, the title Psychic Medium brings to mind Kim Russo and Chip Coffey. Both of whom are very well respected in the field.
What I'm getting at is, over time there has been a lot of negative connotation attached to that/those title/s. Whatever the reason, they just feel heavy to me. There's a lot of weight attached to them. A lot of unnecessary expectation. That left me feeling a little...lost. I didn't know how to refer to myself, my abilities. So, I just didn't. I kept it to myself (for the most part).
Not that long ago, I was a guest on a podcast. One of the other guests was describing an encounter he'd had with someone who has abilities like mine. That person uses the title Spirit Sensitive. As soon as I heard it, I knew that was the title for me. It just resonated with me, you know? It felt lighter. More than that, it felt like a more accurate way to describe my abilities. At least as they are right now. That podcast was the moment I stopped hiding behind my lack of a "title".
At this point in my development, I don't know where I'm going or what I'm doing with my abilities (besides this blog, of course). Will I end up giving readings? Maybe. Okay, probably. Will I end up on T.V. someday? I don't know. Will I be walking through graveyards, trying to solve murder mysteries from hundreds of years ago? Who knows? As long as I'm doing something that is helpful, I'm down. That's my path—to be helpful to other and shine my light. That's all I know right now.
Most of the people I've talked to so far have a certain expectation when the title Psychic Medium comes up. They automatically assume certain things about me. I'm guessing it's based on hundreds of years of bad press, but I could be wrong. People think they know what I can and can't do. And most of the time, they are wrong. Which means I spend a lot of time trying to break down (or through) walls. Which is sometimes impossible.
I've found when I use the title Spirit Sensitive, a title heard a little less frequently, people seem to come at the subject (and me!) a little more open minded, with a little more of an open heart. They are more inquisitive, ask more questions, and I am given the opportunity to explain things. Maybe I'm wrong, but this is just how it seems to me.
I do know for sure that I can sense Spirit. Do I have doubts sometimes? Hell yes. All the time. Then, clear as a bell, I hear my Spirit Guide—and then I'm reminded that it's all real and I can sense Spirit. Because, after all, what is a Spirit Guide if not a Spirit, right?
I communicate daily, (shit, let's be real—all day long, every day) with my Spirit Guides. I have multiple guides (we'll get into that in a future post) but two that I speak to on the regular. The others I communicate with when needed. I have connected my children and my husband with their Guides. Whether they hear them or communicate with them now is up to them, but the introduction has been done. My husband says he still doesn't HEAR his guide, but I know he "hears" her in different ways.
I know when other Spirits are around. I receive and pass on messages as needed. I've passed a message to my neighbor from her recently deceased husband. I've received messages myself from people I used to know (but lost touch with) that passed away. And no, I didn't know they'd passed.
I've passed messages to strangers that seemed completely random to me—but my Spirit Guide insisted! Both to people that I work with, but don't know well, and to strangers on the internet. Sometimes it was advice about a situation. Sometimes it was a specific message. In each of those cases, it was a total stab in the dark and I ignored the messages for days because I wasn't sure if the person would be receptive to receiving the information. I didn't know if they, you know, believed in this sort of stuff. Basically, I doubted. In some of the cases, I literally only had a passing interaction with them before receiving a message. Talk about an interesting conversation! But, afterward, I was assured each time that the information I gave them turned out to be truly helpful.
That's what it's all about for me—being helpful.
So, there you have it. Am I able to bend spoons? No. (That's telekinesis, by the way.) Can I tell you if you'll get that promotion, or who you're going to marry? Probably not. Can I give a reading? Probably. I'll have to ask my Spirit Guides if they've got anything for me.
Will I ever refer to myself as a Psychic Medium? It's possible. Quite likely, eventually.
But for now, you can refer to me as a Spirit Sensitive. 😀
As always, Namaste
Alain Davis
I agree that there is a negative connotation with psychics and mediums as being scam artists. I don't personally believe anyone can tell the future, so that puts me off right away. Spirit sensitive sounds better, though I don't really feel any of the five types myself.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your insight, Jimi! Yes, that's exactly what I'm getting at. There's already been so much expectation driven into society about what a Psychic Medium is that the term itself is unsettling to many people. I hope you continue to read my posts and interact! Thanks again.