
Tuesday, July 7, 2020

What are the 'Clairs'?

Hello, my friend!

In this post, we're going to cover some basic stuff, the housekeeping shit, if you will, so that moving forward you understand what I mean when I say it.

If you have already started your mediumship development path, some of this may be redundant or elementary for you, and for that—my apologies. As I mentioned in my Welcome! post, I intend to catch you up on what I've already learned so far. On what my path has looked liked. So, this feels necessary to me. And, besides, everyone's path is unique and people always have different ways of explaining things. 

So, let me just jump right in!

What I mean when I say "out loud".

Before we get too far along, I should probably get this out of the way. I will say 'out loud' and 'mind's eye/ear'. I feel like I say these A LOT. Sometimes people just nod, and other times I know they have no idea what I'm talking about.

When I say out loud, what I mean is this: If you were looking at me, and a Spirit was standing next to me, you would see the Spirit standing there just the same as though they were a living human. I am finding that this is much more rare than I once thought. More on this later! 

When I say mind's eye, I am referring to that place where you can see memories. It's also where you might imagine something or remember something. You would not believe how long it took me to figure that out! For all the times I'd read books or posts that instructed me to "use my mind's eye" or "open my mind's eye"—I was so frustrated because I didn't know what the heck they were talking about! Felt sort of silly once I got it all straightened out. I mean, I use it all the time. I just didn't realize it, you know? 

When I say mind's ear, I mean that you heard it, but not in an external way. If other people were around you, they didn't hear it. If you were alone, you perceived that it was "inside your head". Think of it as being similar to the memory of a sound. 

And no, trust me, these things happening does NOT mean you are crazy.

Hello Clairs!

We are all familiar with our basic five senses: taste, touch, sight, smell, hearing. 

But, you've heard of the saying 'sixth sense', right? Maybe someone has a really good knack for knowing when people are lying—you might say they've got a sixth sense about it. Or maybe you can always tell when danger is around. You just knew something was off. You might say your gut was telling you something was wrong. Which is another way of referring to a sixth sense.

Well, you're not wrong. The sixth sense is real and exists in everyone. Generally speaking, it's been my experience that the majority of people refer to it as a gut feeling. 

Here's what's really happening. Beyond the basic five senses, we all have five gifts, or additional senses that operate through Spirit. These five individual gifts, sometimes referred to as "Clairs" (we'll get into it a bit more in a sec) and allow us to process information that is not perceivable through our basic senses. 

These additional senses, or Clairs, are primarily what are developed during a mediumship development. They are quite like muscles. The more you use them, the stronger they become. They never truly go away (I hear you thinking: Is is a use it or lose it type situation?) although they can become much quieter and nearly dormant. People are always more inclined or stronger in one or two of the Clairs, but all of them can be developed. In fact, it's important for that to happen.

The individual Clairs resemble our basic senses. First, you should understand that "Clair" means clear or inner

Clairvoyance - Meaning clear or inner SEEING
This amounts to all things seen with your soul/inner eye, sometimes seen "out loud" and sometimes seen in your mind's eye. Both are equally valid. They can be pictures, moving/movie type images, faces, people, animals, spirits, or places. They can be in color, black and white, fast, slow, hazy or crystal clear. 

Clairaudience - Meaning clear or inner HEARING
This amounts to all things heard with your soul/inner ear, sometimes out loud and sometimes in your mind's ear. Both are equally valid. Sounds can overlap! Voices, shouts, cries, whimpers, talking, laughter, music, beeps, nature sounds, animals. It might sounds muffled, crystal clear, near, far, in one ear or both (or just in the middle of your head). Lying in bed at night can sometimes be overwhelming since it is so quiet in the room. Many people find they need a fan or music in order to "drown it out".

Clairsentience - Meaning clear or inner SENSING or KNOWING
This amounts to all messages received through thoughts, feelings, emotions on a soul level. I often refer to this as a "digital download". You don't know where the information came from, but you just know.

Clairscent - Meaning clear or inner SMELLING
This amounts to all messages received through the power of smell, when such items aren't actually present. This typically feels very much out loud, but given that the item in question is not present, it is obviously an inner sensation (in your mind's eye) received from Spirit. Often, you'll catch a scent of flowers, nature, cooking, tobacco, or perfume, almost anything.

Clairgustance - Meaning clear or inner TASTING
This amounts to all messages received through the power of taste, when such items aren't actually present. Again, just as in Clairscent, this typically feels very much out loud, but since the item in question is not present, it is obviously an inner sensation (in your mind's eye) received from Spirit. You might catch a taste of chocolate, fruit, bread, beverage or sauces, almost anything.

Looking back on your life, which of these do you think are your strongest natural Clairs? Have you had any instances where all of them were involved? I'd love to hear about your experiences. Please feel free to comment to this post! 

I am naturally strong in three Clairs. We'll talk about that more in my next post. Early on in my development, I never really understood why it was important to develop the other Clairs. I had no trouble hearing my Spirit Guide. I could hear his voice as easily and clearly as my husband's. And then it clicked. Spirits on the other side of the veil are from all walks of life, trying to communicate with living people I've never met. The Spirits don't know me, either. What if I don't speak their language? Then what? Symbols, most likely. But, not necessarily. They might send me a smell that has a particular meaning for their living loved one, or send me an image that would have a special meaning, or send me the taste of their signature meal they used to make for their family. Just because I can see, hear and speak with MY Spirit Guide (and the Spirits I've come into contact with so far) does not mean that will always be the case.

In my next post, I'd love to share with you more details about how the Clairs presented for me, personally. My goal through all of this is to demonstrate that everyone's abilities are unique and everyone's experiences, while different, are valid.

So, more about that next time. 


Alain Davis

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