
Saturday, October 24, 2020

Lots of pictures and how spirit helps

Hello, my friend!!

It's been a little longer than I'd have liked between our visits. Things were, well, hectic. But I thought I'd catch you up on a few things and show you how I believe Spirit is working in my everyday life.

First things first! As always, I am here to learn through teaching, so if there are any questions you have, please do! You can comment on this post (anonymously, if you'd like), find me on Twitter, or find me on Instagram. Any of the above are totally welcome. I look forward to hearing from you.

Now, normally, I would write my posts on Saturday mornings. But then, for some reason I can't remember, it got pushed to Sunday mornings.

Well, last weekend, neither day was working for me. I was preoccupied with an editing project. You might have seen me mention this project before, but here it is! 

Not only did I edit the printed companion version of this audiobook, but I have a story of my own in there. So, if you get the audiobook, you'll get to hear my story, told by me! Not only that, but you'll get to hear twenty-six other awesome stories! Not all of them are scary, but they are all GREAT. If you're interested, you can click here for the link to get a copy for yourself. Oh! And the print companion comes with interviews from each of the storytellers, plus lots of pictures. I'm really excited - It's so cool! It's just what you need to get you in the mood for Halloween. And let's face it, we all need a little extra oomph when it comes to Halloween this year, right? 

Speaking of Halloween, tonight I get to participate in a Virtual Halloween event, hosted by my very talented friend, David Allen Voyles. In the past, David has always hosted very elaborate haunted houses at his home. This year, with COVID-19, he has graciously decided to host this event. AND I have been invited to be a GUEST!! I am so fucking excited. I have my costume all ready, and I wrote a poem to go along with it.

Can you guess what my costume is going to be? If you guessed "Little Red Riding Hood" you're only half right. But you'll have to tune in to the event and see for yourself. But, be's a little dark, a little gory. View the event and interact with us by clicking on this link...

Party starts tonight at 8pm! Hope to see and hear from you then!

Lastly, remember my stupid fucking oven? Ya, the one that tried to burn my face off? 

Well, we finally got that resolved! There were a few I've mentioned before, we live in a small town, so options for appliance stores are limited. I don't know if you've needed to buy an appliance since COVID-19 started, but apparently, the shipping times are super-duper long. So, we ended up at one of the only appliance stores in town (besides Lowe's and Best Buy - neither of which had what we needed, in our price range) and....well, see for yourself...

Isn't it gorgeous?! Now, the issue was with the price. As we walked into the store, we knew that our comfort zone for this whole project was going to be about $1,000. We could swing probably $1,200 or $1,300. But, nothing more than that. And, guess what? Even though the oven had a ticket price close to $1,100, we got it for about $800.

That just left us with installation. That was another $400.

So, total for the project? $1,200. Pretty sweet, right? relieved.

Bye-bye, piece of shit oven!

So, that's all I have today - I have to get ready for the party!! - but I wanted to demonstrate, that in each of these instances, I specifically asked my Spirit Guides to come to me and help me. I asked that they come to me and remove the nerves from my voice, so that the recording of me in Haunted would be acceptable. I asked that they come to me and help me with my editing project. I asked them to come to me and help me to write something—anything—to go along with my costume (and I'm quite pleased with the results!). I asked them to come to us and help us find the oven and someone to install it that would work with our budget.

Spirit loves to be helpful. You just gotta ask them and tell them what you want or need help with.

All right. I gotta run. But, I hope to see you tonight! 

I hope you found this post helpful and entertaining. Light and love to you and yours, my friend!

I look forward to hearing from you soon, either on this post, on Instagram, or on Twitter. 

As always, Namaste

Alain Davis



  1. So glad you got your new oven! Now you can bake us all some goodies, safely! Thanks for coming to the Halloween party and sharing your cool costume and wonderfully dark poem.

  2. It's so great when a plan comes together. Now get to baking!


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