
Saturday, August 29, 2020


Hello, my friend!

Thank you for returning—it's so good to have you here. Today I want to talk about cleansing. I know I've talked about cleansing before, in the Grounding and Bubbles & Cords posts. Let's consider this a continuation of those. 

Ooh, before I forget: As always, if you have questions or want to make a comment, please feel free to do so. If you have the question, I promise someone else does, too. I'm here to help. I've enabled anonymous comments, in case people are shy. I've been there. Or, if you'd rather, follow the links and come talk to me on Twitter or Instagram. Besides, I LOVE to chat! So don't be afraid to come say "hi". 

The coolest part about the cleansing I'm going to go over today, is that ANYONE can benefit from it. It doesn't matter whether you believe in Spirit Sensitives, if you think you have abilities or not. Doesn't make a lick of difference. In fact, all of the exercises I've described in all of my posts are beneficial to EVERYONE. Shit. I'm not sure if that's a point I've made clear or not. I'll make sure to do that regularly from now on.

All right. So, the cleansing I'm focusing on today has to do with Chakras. 

If you've read any of my previous posts, you'll know that I don't get overly scientific about anything. The reason for that is because these posts are guided by Spirit. I specifically allow Spirit to write these posts so that they speak to those they are meant to speak to. When I'm done typing I go back and edit them. Spirit selects the topics and I try to stay out of it as much as possible. Chakras are something that is hard for me to stay out of, because I had a really hard time understanding them, when I was learning about this on my own. 

But, I'll try! ; )

What you need to know about Chakras is that they are balls of energy (wheels or disks) inside our body that correspond with major nerves and organs. Keeping the flow of energy open is important for our physical, emotional, spiritual, and energetic health. We're going to talk about the 7 major (or main) Chakras, although many say there are over 100 in our bodies. 

There are some very simple methods for keeping open and cleansed. Before we get into those methods, let's go over where each one is, what it looks like, and what it's responsible for.

Picture each of these snuggled up close to your spine. We'll start at the bottom and work our way up.

Root Chakra Red in color. Sits at the base of your spine. Responsible for feelings of being grounded or stable, sense of security.

Sacral Chakra Orange in color. Sits in your pelvic area, between your hip bones. Responsible for that fire in your belly, drive, determination. Also home of the sex drive.

Solar Plexus Chakra Yellow in color. Sits in your stomach/navel area. Responsible for creativity.

Heart Chakra Green in color. Sits in your heart/diaphragm area. Responsible for connecting with others, openness, kindness, compassion, and love.

Throat Chakra Blue in color. Sits in your throat/collar bone area. Responsible for being able to clearly communicate verbally, speaking your truth. 

Third Eye Chakra Indigo in color. Sits in your forehead/between your eyes. Responsible for all your sixth sense - that strong gut reaction to things, intuition. Also sometimes referred to as your Mind's Eye Chakra. This is also home of the imagination.

Crown Chakra White in color. Sits at the top of your head. Responsible for your spiritual connection to the universe, world, yourself, and others. 

Now that we know a little more about the Chakras themselves, and we know that it's important for them to stay open and flowing, let's go over how to accomplish that, which I refer to as "cleansing". 

There are two methods that I prefer: the shower method and the cord method

The shower method is super fast and super simple.

While you are in the shower, as you are washing your body, simply wash each of those areas with soap, in a circular motion, starting with the Root Chakras. When you've finished with the Crown Chakra, give thanks to Spirit and rinse off! See? Told ya it was easy.

The cord method is an extension of the Grounding and Bubble & Cords visualizations.

Start with the Grounding....then continue here...


    *Cords (same/similar to your Grounding cords) extending from the base of your spine and entering the earth. These cords can appear any way you want. They can be translucent and sparkly; black, like electrical cords; like tree roots - whatever resonates with you.
    *Your cord pushing down through the earth, through the mud and roots and worms and bugs, deep, deep into the earth. 
    *Your cords entering the same Grounding cave deep underground.
    *That you and the cords are connected.
    *Bright, pure, white light in the cave, filling it up. 
    *The white light entering the cord attached to your spine and traveling up and into your spine.
    *The white light moving up your spine, pushing all the dark, old, negative, stagnant, hurtful energy up, up, up, traveling as fast or slow as you feel comfortable with, ensuring that nothing but white light is left behind.
    *The white light continuing to move up your spine until it reaches your head. 
    *The white light pausing at each station, at each chakra to cleanse and energize them.
Visualize them as spinning balls of light. How bright are they? Are they dull and dusty or sparkly? How fast are they spinning? Which direction are they spinning in? If they aren't spinning at all, stay a moment and allow the white light to energize the ball until the ball is bright and spinning fast. Then, move on to the next and do the same - only moving to the next Chakra once your current Chakra is bright and spinning fast. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, White.
    *The white light pausing here in your head as long as necessary to gather up all the negative energy, thoughts, and hurt. 
This may look like a ball of dust, with shards of debris. Whatever resonates with you.
    *The white light continuing to move up and out of your head, straight up into the heavens, connecting you to the universe. Now you are connected to the universe and heavens above, and the ground below.
Remember to give thanks for this beautiful grounding.

The cord method takes a little bit longer, but, for me is a little more effective. Try both and tell me which one works better for you.

So, in my daily meditation, I do the following, in this order: Ground, Cleanse, Bubble & cut Cords. Now you know all my secrets! 

But honestly, these are tools that I am very grateful to have in my toolbox. My life was so bananas before I got the hang of these. And, really, it still gets that way—when I forget these steps. Or go too long without doing one (or all!) of them. Because, let's face it: I'm human, and I have kids and a husband and a job and a life and I'm a writer and...well, I fucking forget, okay?! LOL 

Just so you know that we're in this together and no one is perfect. We all need help sometimes. I'm grateful that I have my husband and Jade and my planner to remind me to do these things. What can I do to help you?

Anyway, I hope that you will give these things a try and let me know how it goes! More so, I hope you find this helpful.

As always, Namaste

Alain Davis

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