Hello, my friend!
I'm so happy to be with you today, even though our time may be short. I'm sure you have lots to keep you busy today. I know I do!
I know it's been a few weeks since I posted. I'm sure you're wondering if I've given up on this whole blogging thing. Trust me, I have not!
Right after Halloween, I went on a weekend trip to Madison with my BFF. We had a lovely time crafting, eating, and chatting! Boy, did we talk a lot. We refer to this annual trip as our Birthday Extravaganza. Well, her husband refers to it as "Tattoo Weekend". But we didn't get tattoos this year. We DID go to a tattoo parlor, but we got piercings instead. She got her nose pierced and I got daith piercings in both ears. Overall, our 3rd Annual Birthday Extravaganza was a total success! I love that we get to have these trips every year.
The weekends after that, I have been consumed with editing projects. My business has really taken off and I couldn't be happier! I love, love, love being a part (even a small one) of a story's journey. It's amazing!
In today's post, I have two topics: Thanksgiving and my mom.
First, today marks TWENTY years since my mom passed. Officially, she "passed" on November 27th, but based on her ex's confession—shit went down on the 26th. But, they found her on the 27th, so that's what's on her death certificate. It's always been hard, having her death be so close to Thanksgiving. My mom was a rock star at pulling off a wonderful Thanksgiving. She would get up at three in the morning to start the turkey and would be in the kitchen from then until it was time to eat. Didn't matter that some of those years it was just the two of us. She always made the holiday special. Now that I'm the "mom" with a family of my own, it's hard to be alone in the kitchen. I know that she would be right there with me, chatting and juggling the different tasks.
I went through a few things and found this amazing picture of her. I'm pretty sure she was in high school when it was taken. Maybe as part of her senior photos. There's no date on the back and that was my dad's best guess.
I am grateful to the retired serviceman who found her. But it's more than that. I'm grateful that he stopped and called to report what he'd found. I'm sure that wasn't easy. But that one action made it so that we didn't spend our lifetimes hoping we would find her—or that someone would confess. As horrible as it all was, I was (then) and am (now) beyond thankful she was found.
The second thing I want to talk about is Thanksgiving itself. While the method in which we celebrate may look different than we're used to (thanks, COVID-19), what's important remains the same: to reflect and give thanks for all that we DO have. I hope you'll join me in doing just that today.
Personally, I am grateful for SO MUCH! To list everything would be an extremely long post. And, let's face it... ain't nobody got time for that! But, I'll do a short list...
I am grateful for the friendship, love, and support of my husband. For my kids and all the love and lessons they provide me. For my BFF who always knows just what I need. For my soul sister, Jade, who has helped me to accept myself and my abilities—and who gave me a message from my mom a few years ago that helped me understand a few things. For my circle of friends on Twitter, who accept me as I am, love me, encourage me, and support me (listing them one by one would take a lifetime! They know who they are). For my editing clients, who took a bit of a chance on me, given that my reputation has not yet been totally established (the stories I've edited are AMAZING-I can't wait for them to be out in the world!). For YOU! Your engagement in this blog has been more fulfilling than I had imagined. Lastly, but certainly not least, I am grateful to Spirit, who guide me, teach me, love me, and protect me. I can't imagine NOT having such a close relationship with my Spirit team.
What are you thankful for?
I hope you have enjoyed today's post. I wish you the loveliest of Thanksgivings, whichever way you celebrate, full of light and love and laughter.
With much love and gratitude,
Thanks for sharing this. It's a beautiful pic of your mom and I'm do sorry for your loss.